Copper Forecast Model
Would you like to know next month's copper price, today? This copper forecasting model has a positive and strong correlation with the actual monthly copper price. You can rest assured that your forecasted prices will be close to the actual price. Forecasted prices may skew above or below the actual price.
How It Works:
1) Input forecasted Caixin Manufacturing PMI, Crude Oil Futures, Dollar Futures, & Chile Exports ($) values under their respective headers (highlighted in green).
To get an idea of what values you may want to input, click the hyperlinked Caixin Manufacturing PMI, Crude Oil Futures, Dollar Futures, & Chile Exports ($) headers.
2) After you input all of your values, the Copper Forecast section (highlighted in reddish-brown), will update with the forecasted copper price.
I like to make assumptions based on what I think the independent values (Caixin Manufacturing PMI, Crude Oil Futures, Dollar Futures, & Chile Exports ($)) may be in the future. Once I make those assumptions, I will input them into this model and receive the forecasted copper price.
Model Bias To Consider:
This model is subject to time period bias, as it is based on historical monthly data, beginning on September, 2014.
Tomorrow's Copper Price, Today